This is my greenhouse.
Isn’t it groovy?
It’s a little thing Chris bought for me this summer. Do you like the stone pavers and mulch? Chris did that too.
Sadly, everything I planted died. Apparently I do not have a green thumb, but I am going to try again with a winter garden.
This guy is all that is left from the summer garden. It is a sad little jalapeno plant that is not quite dead. I am attempting a resurrection. Wish me luck!
I planted both established plants and seeds. These guys I hope will grow up to be Brussels sprouts.
And what do we have here? On top is a lettuce plant and the pots next door are sunflowers and basil seeds. I thought I would try my luck with some cauliflower too. Those are on the bottom.
And on the ground floor I planted beet seeds on the left and carrot seeds on the right.
Fingers crossed.
Here we have a variety of seeds. I’m not sure I can remember them all, but I think I planted radishes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, corn, and one lone bean.
I guess we will find out what they all are if and when they grow.
I realize that some of these guys look a little crowded. I also realize that some of them will need to be transplanted to bigger spaces.
I am also a realist. I kill plants of all kind.
Space may not be an issue.
It is my hope and intention to post an update on my winter garden every week then share food that I make with my harvested bounty.
This may not happen. See above. I kill plants of all kind.
Please remind me to water my garden.
I do have a watering can. See?
Chris said watering plants is a good place to start if I want to keep them alive.
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